Major enhancements in System.IO.FileSystem for .NET nanoFramework

We are thrilled to announce a series of significant improvements to the System.IO.FileSystem in .NET nanoFramework, designed to enhance your development experience and broaden the scope of your projects. These updates bring more power, flexibility, and efficiency to your fingertips, allowing you to push the boundaries of what you can achieve with the .NET nanoFramework. Here are the key updates:

1. Replacement of Windows.Storage Namespace

In our ongoing effort to streamline and modernize the .NET nanoFramework, we have replaced the legacy Windows.Storage namespace. This change sets the stage for a more intuitive and efficient approach to file system operations, aligning with the latest standards and practices in the .NET ecosystem. Developers will find this transition smooth and beneficial, paving the way for more straightforward and effective coding experiences.

2. Enhanced Native Drivers with Async Stream Implementation

Our native drivers are now backed by an innovative stream implementation that supports fully asynchronous operations. This advancement not only improves performance but also unlocks new possibilities for other libraries to leverage asynchronous file operations. The new stream-based driver also introduces seek operations, allowing for more advanced file manipulations that were previously difficult to achieve in embedded systems contexts. Now, you can accomplish all common file operations that you would expect, making development smoother and more efficient. Furthermore, it simplifies the process of adding new drivers for various storage media and file systems, enhancing the adaptability and scalability of the .NET nanoFramework.

3. Expanded API for Directory and File Handling

We have introduced a robust set of new APIs for handling directories and files, significantly expanding on what was previously available. The new APIs offer a variety of overloads for Open(), Read(), Write(), and Append() methods, supporting both text and binary operations.
Additionally, we have added comprehensive support for copying and moving files and folders.
Thanks to the new stream-based driver, seek operations are now available, making it possible to accomplish all common file operations that one would expect within embedded systems usage contexts.
These enhancements make file management more versatile and powerful than ever before, empowering you to create more complex and dynamic applications with ease.

4. Transition from SPIFFS to littlefs

We have replaced SPIFFS with littlefs for both STM32 and ESP32 platforms. Littlefs is a lightweight, high-performance file system designed for embedded systems. It provides robust support for power loss resilience, dynamic wear leveling, and efficient storage usage, making it a superior alternative to SPIFFS. This transition also brings full path support to ESP32 internal storage, enabling more flexible and complex file operations. With littlefs, you can rely on more stable and efficient file management, ensuring your applications run smoothly even in demanding environments.

5. Improved SD Card Usage

Both STM32 and ESP32 platforms now benefit from enhanced SD card usage. These improvements ensure more reliable and efficient read/write operations, supporting larger storage capacities and improving overall data integrity and performance. Whether you’re handling large datasets or need quick access to files, these enhancements will make a noticeable difference in your projects.

6. Enhanced USB Mass Storage Device (MSD) Support

For STM32 platforms, we have significantly improved the usage of USB Mass Storage Devices (MSD). These enhancements facilitate better data transfer speeds and more stable connections, allowing for smoother interactions with USB storage devices. You can now enjoy faster and more reliable data transfers, making your development process even more efficient.


These updates mark a substantial leap forward for the .NET nanoFramework, providing developers with more powerful, flexible, and efficient tools for file system and storage management and usage. Whether you are working with simple file operations or complex storage solutions, these enhancements will undoubtedly elevate your development experience.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and as always, happy coding with .NET nanoFramework!

Be sure to check out the official documentation for detailed examples and further information on the new System.IO.FileSystem APIs.

Don’t forget to update your device’s firmware to take full advantage of these improvements.

Dive in, explore the new features, and have fun coding with .NET nanoFramework!