Today is a great day: we’ve just published stable releases for all nanoFramework class libraries and firmware images. A lot has changed since the last stable release! Along with many new features, this release brings along a proven history of stability that many of our community have been providing feedback through our preview releases, so … Continue reading Stable releases published
.NET nanoFramework Blog
Posting native events in nanoFramework
Original post at José Simões personal blog here.
New preview feeds for nanoFramework!
Until now nanoFramework has been using MyGet as its NuGet feed provider to host preview and test packages. MyGet is a decent provider but only offers 100MB storage on their free trier. Actually they offer 2GB to OSS projects (which is great) and for which we’ve applied, but it turns out that setting up the … Continue reading New preview feeds for nanoFramework!
Oil tank telemetry with nanoFramework
The first commercial products with the “nanoFramework inside” label (a shameless copy of the old Intel® logo) are out in the wild! Literally.They were built to perform in a demanding industry and deployment scenarios: oil fields! These devices have been developed and built by OrgPal, a leading remote-monitoring manufacturer and solution provider for the oil … Continue reading Oil tank telemetry with nanoFramework
nanoFirmawareFlasher is here!
The nanoFramework toolbox just got a new addition: nanoFramework Firmware Flasher. This new tool is a CLI provided as a .NET Core Global Tool. And why is this so special you may ask! A .NET Core Global Tool is a special NuGet package that contains a console application. It gets installed on the developer’s machine … Continue reading nanoFirmawareFlasher is here!
NuGet, assembly and native versions
nanoFramework C# class libraries are distributed as NuGet packages to be consumed by projects. This has been like this since day one. NuGet packages are practical, easy to distribute, easy to consume, easy to update. But they had a …minor… problem. Actually, make that two… 😉 One was that the dependency between the managed assembly … Continue reading NuGet, assembly and native versions
nanoFramework Open Collective is here!
Today we have an important announcement to make: nanoFramework is now accepting donations! In the spirit of the openness and transparency that we have been following since day one, an Open Collective has been setup in order to manage these affairs. Why do we need donations you may ask… Well, let us take a moment … Continue reading nanoFramework Open Collective is here!
High Level Programming Languages for Embedded Projects
Industry expert Mark Harris just published an article on its Altium blog about "High Level Programming Languages for Embedded Projects". The article includes a thorough analysis on the topic on which .NET nanoFramework plays a key role as an excellent framework for embedded projects. Follows a copy of the original article published in June 2019, … Continue reading High Level Programming Languages for Embedded Projects
SonarCloud is on nanoFramework repos!
Code quality is something that is high in our priority list at nanoFramework. Though, being on the list is not of much use, it must be measurable and comparable against an accepted standard. For this reason, since last week we’ve been busy adding the awesome SonarCloud tool to all our class libraries repositories on GitHub. … Continue reading SonarCloud is on nanoFramework repos!
Deployment image generator
nanoFramework Visual Studio extension (both VS2017 and VS2019 versions) just got a new improvement: the ability to generate a “deployment image”. And what the heck is a “deployment image” you ask? Let me explain with a bit more detail. To run a C# application a nanoDevice must have on its storage (which is a flash … Continue reading Deployment image generator