.NET nanoFramework NuGet downloads have reached on the last 7th of May the symbolic milestone of 2 million downloads. Statistics the 12th of May shows clearly more than the 2 million: The first million was reached on the 9th of August 2021. It took 5 years to reach the first million and only 9 months … Continue reading 2 million nuget downloads and counting
Category: Nuget
.NET IoT “bindings” available
As we have announced, work is underway to align .NET nanoFramework and .NET Core IoT APIs. A bonus coming out of this effort was to be able to use the huge number of “bindings” that exist in the .NET Core IoT repository. During last week, an enthusiastic and relentless team made that happen and, at … Continue reading .NET IoT “bindings” available
Unit Test Framework? Yes, we have that too.
Today, I am extremely excite to announce that we have just released the initial version of our Unit Test framework! Yes, Unit Test, like in… Unit Tests! Because it is powered by Visual Studio Test Platform, you’ll find the attributes that you’re used to decorate your test classes. Neat! I believe you will find this … Continue reading Unit Test Framework? Yes, we have that too.
New preview feeds for nanoFramework!
Until now nanoFramework has been using MyGet as its NuGet feed provider to host preview and test packages. MyGet is a decent provider but only offers 100MB storage on their free trier. Actually they offer 2GB to OSS projects (which is great) and for which we’ve applied, but it turns out that setting up the … Continue reading New preview feeds for nanoFramework!
nanoFirmawareFlasher is here!
The nanoFramework toolbox just got a new addition: nanoFramework Firmware Flasher. This new tool is a CLI provided as a .NET Core Global Tool. And why is this so special you may ask! A .NET Core Global Tool is a special NuGet package that contains a console application. It gets installed on the developer’s machine … Continue reading nanoFirmawareFlasher is here!
NuGet, assembly and native versions
nanoFramework C# class libraries are distributed as NuGet packages to be consumed by projects. This has been like this since day one. NuGet packages are practical, easy to distribute, easy to consume, easy to update. But they had a …minor… problem. Actually, make that two… 😉 One was that the dependency between the managed assembly … Continue reading NuGet, assembly and native versions
To deploy, or not to deploy, that’s the question…
nanoFramework class libraries are composed of a managed part (written in C#) and the respective counterpart (written in C/C++) that is part of the firmware image that runs on the target. As part of the usual development cycle there are improvements, bug fixes and changes. Some of those touch only the managed part, others only … Continue reading To deploy, or not to deploy, that’s the question…
Welcome Json.NetMF
If you come from the .NETMF age and at some point worked with json, you’re probably familiar with Matt Weimer's library: Json.NetMF. Making a bit of history: that library started as a modification of Mike Jones's JSON Serialization and Deserialization library. It was available as NuGet for .NETMF v4.2 and v4.3. It was never brought … Continue reading Welcome Json.NetMF
Network capabilities in nanoFramework: check!!
As they say: better late than never! This post is a belated announcement of networking capabilities being added to nanoFramework. Some of you may already have noticed that during last week networking capabilities were officially added to our development branch. With this, nanoFramework has - definitely - reached a major milestone. I’m sure we are … Continue reading Network capabilities in nanoFramework: check!!
Setup Visual Studio to access preview versions feed
(updated on 2019-08-21) If you are one of those developers that like to have access to the shiny and newer versions of the components you use, this post is for you. It also applies if you are testing a PR for one of the class libraries or one of the experimental develop branches. A bit … Continue reading Setup Visual Studio to access preview versions feed