Laurent Ellerbach: a year deeply in .NET nanoFramework

I’ve been using .NET Microframework since it appear and being sad when it’s been stopped. Since I’ve been watching nanoFramework. nanoFramework was not yet .NET nanoFramework when the initial fork happened almost 5 years ago. And thanks to José Simões, CEO of Eclo Solutions, co-founder of .NET nanoFramework and few others, nanoFramework has become a … Continue reading Laurent Ellerbach: a year deeply in .NET nanoFramework

I’m Framework, nanoFramework

You're probably thinking: "what the heck is nanoFramework?" Our vision for it is to be a platform that enables the writing of managed code applications for constrained embedded devices. Developers can harness a familiar IDE such as Visual Studio and their .NET (C#) knowledge to quickly write applications without having to worry about the low level hardware intricacies of a … Continue reading I’m Framework, nanoFramework